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![˝Milkin A Stud Bull˝ Previously posted but now with an HDR filter effect](./uploads/media/20230619110748Milkin A stud Bull HDR.jpg)
#gay male milking# male milking#pleasure milking
BY: Professorredbottom
![˝Milkin A Stud Bull˝ (comic) previously posted now in a comic format](./uploads/media/20230619110748Milkin A stud Bull Comic.jpg)
#gay male milking# male milking#pleasure milking
BY: Professorredbottom
![˝Come Again and Again˝ A young bull is being milked by the professors amazing machine. Image one of a two part story](./uploads/media/20230615123824Come Again And Again And Again.jpg)
#Gay Male Bondage# Male Milking
BY: Professorredbottom
![˝Come Again and Again (comic) 2nd image in a set that depicts a huge climax from the milking machine](./uploads/media/20230615123804Come Again And Again And Again Comic.jpg)
#Gay male bondage#Male milking
BY: Professorredbottom
![˝OH NO! NOT AGAIN!˝ The milking madness is far from finished.](./uploads/media/20230316155946Oh No Not Again HDR.jpg)
#Gay male milking# Milking Men
BY: Professorredbottom
![˝Milkin The Bulls˝ Two buddies, captured and now milked by this creative professor. The machine is so irresistible and the pleasures immense, the boys are sucked off again and again.](./uploads/media/20230121132515Milking The Bulls.jpg)
#Gay Erotic Bondage# Male Milking# Milking Machine Mad Professor
BY: Professorredbottom
![Doctor Milk´s Amazing Machine...](./uploads/media/20210514235825Doctor Milk. hdr COMICjpg.jpg)
#Gay Male Erotic Bondage#Male milking#Milking machine
BY: Professorredbottom