577 active artists | 24,770 submissions
English | Español | 日本語

Wanna help out?

Your support helps the site keep running and improving for all the community!

– DonPig, creator of the site Donate Donate


What is BaraAddiction.net?

BaraAddiction.net is a site that hosts illustrations, comics and forums, created to give home to all artists that create LGBT+ content in general, with more focus on the Bara genre.

BaraAddiction.net is and will always be FREE to use!

What's the maximum filesize that I can upload?

Preferably images smaller than 2000 pixels wide/high, and smaller than 5 MB.

Can you upload +18/NSFW material on BaraAddiction.net?

You can upload any type of material, except for those that contain:
- Pedophilia (Characters that look clearly like underage humans in a sexual context)
- Extreme violence
- Hate speech (Racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc.)

Can I upload another artist's material in my profile?

You can upload images from other users as long as you correctly credit the artist and add a source to their website or social media channels. However, if the artists request the images to get removed, they will be deleted from your profile.

Remember to add tags and links to the profiles of your favorite artists to support them.

There is material of mine without my permission in someone else's profile, what can I do?

Send a message through the contact section with the URL of the content you wish to review, or use the "Report" button.

Is my art safe from AI crawlers and robots in BaraAddiction?

We have taken measures to make it harder for bots and crawlers to retrieve image files from the site, however it is not possible to know if this measures are 100% effective.

Can I upload AI generated art?

BaraAddiction protects the images of this site from AI bots and crawlers, however you can upload your AI generated art to the site as long as it is specified in your profile and in each image´s tags that it was generated using this method (Tags: #ai, #ai image). Failing to do so will result on the image being deleted upon recognition.

* BaraAddiction.net takes no credit nor responsibility for the content uploaded on it's platform, all content uploaded is responsibility of the user.

Getting started!

You can download @JUBELL'S SITE GUIDE, created by artist and user @Jubell to learn more tips and tricks about the site!


BaraAddiction.net is developed and maintained by DonPig: Digital Design and Development.