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![Ooktober VS Orctober](./uploads/media/20201007140454Pa_John_Galt_ArmWrestling.png)
orc,green skin,autumn,orctobe,ginger,ooktober,gorilla,ape,purple fur,arm wrestling BY: rickleone
![SkyHorn’s Adventures - Here’s the Interpreter](./uploads/media/20200628144436SkyHorn_02_17.gif)
gorilla, shark, bull, merman, anthro BY: rickleone
![SkyHorn Adventures - It´s a Trial!](./uploads/media/20200628144435SkyHorn_02_16.png)
gorilla, shark, bull, merman, anthro BY: rickleone
![SkyHorn Adventures - The kinkier, the more powerful](./uploads/media/20200531151641SkyHorn_02_09.png)
gorilla, bull, shark, merman, muscle, fantasy, comic, cockring BY: rickleone
![sassy goddess wanted half men, one-fourth fishes, the last fourth horses, to carry her around the seas](./uploads/media/20200522145817MerMay_2020_09_ Ichthyocentaurs.png)
merman, mermay, centaur BY: rickleone