Castel is looking for roomies and some people came, but share your space with othe people is not easy, some ones have different needs than ours, others doesn’t think like ours or they are just annoying XD
After a long and frustrating day without finding a single roomie, Castel decides to go to Bernard´s bar to clear his mind and relax a bit. Bernard is a wise man and too direct, and you better don´t make him mad XD
Continuing right where the last page stayed. Seems like Castel finally found his first roomie XD Note: Never make Bernard angry XD
After a drink night, there’s nothing better that a cup of coffie to start the day :3 Now Castel has a new roomie and he have to change a lot of things and get some order on his life XD
This page was originally uploaded in January, when the GYMs are full of people, some ones go to loose the weight they got in the holidays, others go to do their routine, and other things X3
Full Version in my Patreon
Castel is reunited with an old friend, although in slightly inconvenient circumstances XD
Continuing with the underwearparty, seems like things will get horny :3
As a drag queen, one of Rubellite (Gregory’s drag name) is celebrity impersonations, being this time the well known queen of queens, RuPaul and seems like he’s got a fan :3
The problems between roomes are very common, because we al have different habits. And there are some people who we shouldn´t piss of because we don´t know that are they capable of XD
Seems like Gregory´s words are deep inside in Lowell´s subconscious, and It gave him horrible nightmares XD Can you find the easter egg? :3
Saturday nights are perfects to hang out with friends adn now Lowell met Bernard, but something just awakened on Lowell´s memory
Sorry for not update this, I´ll start to make new pages weekly
Gregory tells us his story with Bernard, but what does that have to do with Zvir?
Gregory tells us the story of Bernard. What do you think made him give up his wrestling career?
Lowel needs to process all the information he just received
Gregory got a new look and is ready to start his shift. But who is this guy?
It seems that Gregory finally met his secret fan, but he ran away. But why?
When you want to prank someone but things don´t go the way you expected
In the end, nothing happened and Nick just came to fix Castel´s computer. But oh surprise! What just surprised Castel? XD
Things are gonna get hot 7u7
The negotiations are over. Time to pay 7u7
Nick sees life as a video game. Who will win this round? 7u7
Who could be inside there? 7u7
Seem´s like Lowell enyoyed the service, but the perosn dissapeared, who could it be? 7u7
Nick is a bad looser, but also an expert in knotting XD
What starts as a joke will end with sexual results 7u7
Lowell want to celebrate Castel´s chest hair in his way XD Uncensored version in my patreon
Castel wanted to introduce Lowell and Nick, but...
Sometimes the world is smaller than we though
This guys are getting a lot of fun 7u7
Introducing Ülfur with the classic joke of ˝Is not a girl, it´s a metalhead˝ XD
This guys really thought Ülfur was going to kill them XD